Solør Open - Presented by Innova

May ´9th - 11th

Vælkømmin teill Solør / Welcome to Solør

The tournament is a cooperation between Birdie and Solør Frisbeeklubb. We want to arrange a high-quality tournament for good national and international players.

Solør Diskgolfbane had its debut in the National Cup in 2022, and showed that the course is made for bigger events. In 2025, the tournament is back in the National Cup. This is a wooded course with thigh but fair lines that got excellent reviews from the players.

18 holes are played each round. The layout will be Solør Blue and Solør Blue FPO.

Cash prizes for the MPO and FPO. In the junior class, there will be other prizes. There will be trophies in all classes. In the event of equal placement in the first three places in all classes, there will be a replay for trophies only. Replays start from hole 2 onwards until a decision is made.
For equal places, the prize money is divided by the places of the players (For example, two players in 4th place divide the sum for 4th and 5th place).




    Sunday, May 4
    10:00 - 17:00 Solør Amateur Open
    Monday, May 5
    07:00 - 23:00 Training Day
    Tuesday, May 6
    07:00 - 23:00 Training Day
    Wednesday, May 7
    07:00 - 23:00 Training Day
    Thursday, May 8
    07:00 - 23:00 Training Day
    17:00 - 19:00 Registration
    19:00 - 21:00 DiskBrief LIVE
    Friday, May 9
    09:00 - 19:00 Round 1
    19:00 - Quiz at Dogans Sportsbar
    Saturday, May 10
    09:00 - 19:00 Round 2
    19:00 - Bowling and pizza
    Sunday, May 11
    07:00 - 16:30 Round 3
    16:30 - 17:00 Award Ceremony




    Follow the event on Facebook 
    Feel free to follow Birdie on Instagram.

    Tournament Director - Sondre Skulstad +47 913 31 557
    Assistant TD - Knut Hummelvoll +47 951 00 095


    Victoria Hotel (0,8km from hole 1)

    Negarden 1897 (0,8 km from hole 1) 

    Flisa camping (3,7 km from hole 1)

    Pan tretopphytter (8,7 km from hole 1)

    Skaslien  (18,7 km from hole 1)

    Apply for a wildcard!

    Solør Amateur Open

    This tournament is a fundraiser for the main event, Solør Open 2025!

    The winner of MPO and FPO will be offered a wildcard to the main event!
    If the winner already has a seat for Solør Open 2025, the offer will go to the next player on the list.